Peter Williams
Dr. Peter Williams is a Doctor of Philosophy in Management from University of Bath. He is a board member of UN’s Private Sector Alliance for Disaster Resilient Societies (ARISE) initiative, now member of ARISE-US. Since 2018, he has been founder and principal of Peter Williams Solutions LLC. He is also the lead author of the UN Scorecard for ‘Industrial and Commercial Real Estate,’ an instrument for real estate operators, published in January 2020, and the ‘UN City Disaster Resilience Scorecard,’ now used pro-bono by over 320 cities globally, published in 3 editions and translated into 11 languages, as well as used by several for profit businesses as part of their commercial offering. The scorecard was awarded the ND Gain Global Adaptation Prize in 2015. Currently, he is initiating UN ARISE project to create, pro bono, an open-sourced tool to enable cities to identify their critical assets and map the linkages between them, such that potential cascading failures can be identified and mitigated in advance. The tool, which will use AI to identify relationships, is targeted for release in Q1 2021. In addition, he is a regular judge on California CleanTech Open, Imagine H2O and Artemis Top 50, competitions to select promising start-ups. He is advisor to several startups, and advisor to two VC funds focused on Cleantech and the industrial internet of things.