ARISE Honduras

Launched in 2018

En 2018 Fundahrse se convirtió en miembro de ARISE  con el objetivo de apoyar en las empresas miembros en la gestión de riesgos y resiliencia.

En el contexto de la aplicación del Marco de Sendai para la Reducción del Riesgo de Desastres, se ha establecido la Alianza de la UNDRR y el Sector Privado para Inversiones Sensibles al Riesgo (ARISE).

 El propósito general de ARISE es crear sociedades resilientes al riesgo al energizar al sector privado en colaboración con el sector público y otros actores, para lograr las metas del Marco de Sendai para la Reducción del Riesgo de Desastres. ARISE aumentará la cantidad de organizaciones del sector privado y de otros actores que participan para apoyar la aplicación del Marco de Sendai. Asimismo, ARISE permitirá que el sector privado ejecute proyectos e iniciativas tangibles que generen resultados esenciales para lograr el resultado y los objetivos del Marco de Sendai.

Cuenta con 127 miembros (Empresas, ONG, fundaciones empresariales y gremiales/Companies, NGOs, business and trade foundations).

In 2018 Fundahrse became a member of ARISE with the objective to support its member companies in risk and resilience management.  FUNDAHRSE, in addition to being the focal point for CSR in Honduras, is a business initiative that represents companies, individuals, academia, associations and organizations that are part of a group of key actors in society that promote sustainable development in the country. 

Over the years and with the vision of promoting sustainability in our country we have developed different initiatives: 

Since 2006 FUNDAHRSE organizes THE NATIONAL CSR CONFERENCE which is currently known as: CSR AND SUSTAINABILITY WEEK. 

FUNDAHRSE recognizes the good CSR practices of its member companies through the FUNDAHRSE SEAL OF SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE COMPANY (ESR) whose evaluation is supported through the regional Indicarse tool based on the ISO 26000 Standard and Sustainable Development Goals. 

We have developed programs aimed at strengthening the following areas: ethics, corporate governance, anti-corruption, quality education, human rights, labor and social inclusion, equal opportunities, employability and entrepreneurship, circular economy, biodiversity, climate change and risk management. 

We have forged solid relationships with more than 30 national and international organizations, such as: trade associations, business organizations, cooperating and diplomatic organizations, the media and academia. 

We train more than a hundred companies annually and since we began operations we have developed the skills of more than 32 thousand people in CSR and sustainability-related topics through seminars, workshops, diploma courses, conferences and other programs. 

We have been knowledge managers and we have worked together with our membership to generate the following results:  

  • 88 % of our membership has established CSR and Sustainability strategies with an average social investment of 30 million dollars annually prioritizing different areas such as: health, environment, education, employability and entrepreneurship. 
  • 88 % of our members currently have structured volunteer programs, exceeding 140 thousand volunteer hours per year. 

We are a reference in the Central American region in technical support for the preparation of Sustainability Reports under the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standard. 

FUNDAHRSE is a liaison for the following initiatives:  

  • World Business Council for Sustainable Development 
  • Global Compact 
  • ARISE 
  • Global Reporting Initiative 

Americas contact

Yezid Fernando Niño Barrero
Private Sector Advisor
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR)

Main network contact

Claudia Carolina Diaz Yanez

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