ARISE Focus Areas and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) 2022-2025
As outlined in its Terms of Reference, ARISE advocates for risk-informed development, disaster risk reduction and preparedness action, by encouraging and supporting the private and public sectors to put in place policies and practices to reduce disaster risk and related human and economic losses. It mobilizes the private sector to carry out risk-informed investments and to apply business practices that reduce and prevent the creation of risk, build resilience and enhance recovery from disasters, in line with the Sendai Framework.
Whilst ARISE networks are generally free to choose the focus of their activities aligned with national and regional specificities and requirements, it is deemed important to further align Network activities as much as possible in order to achieve the best impact and visibility of ARISE. This will also enable more active information sharing and collaboration amongst ARISE Networks and with other private sector initiatives.
For the period 2022-2025, UNDRR has chosen to maintain the same four Focus Areas with regards to its engagement with the private sector:
Enhancing the resilience of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs);
Integrating disaster and climate risk into investment decisions by the financial sector;
Incentivizing disaster risk reduction and enhanced data for risk-informed decision-making through engagement with the insurance industry as global risk manager;
Supporting resilient infrastructure development.
In addition to the four Focus Areas, ARISE has also suggested ten Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), to guide the activities of its Networks and Members towards achieving greater common impact while also increasing visibility.
Each of the KPIs has been associated to, for example:
Concrete annual targets;
Key outputs;
Examples of activities;
Means of verification.